Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


Now this is an interesting product of the Justin Bieber cottage industry!
‘The Unofficial Justin Bieber Dirty Joke Book’ was cobbled together by Penny Tenshery, the mother of one of the Biebs’ many Beliebers. When Tenshery had to dish out $200 to buy a pair of tickets to a Bieber concert for her daughter, she knew she needed to be reimbursed, if even on a cosmic level. That’s why she issued this eBook via Open Mic Press.
The eBook is just $1.97 and you can nab it on iTunes. Nothing Biebs-related, not his hair or his girlfriend, is safe from ridicule in Tenshery’s collection. However, the book is not Tenshery being nasty or mean, and she is certainly not trying to ruin Bieber’s rep a la Mariah Yeater. Her daughter would likely never forgive her for doing so. Tenshery is, however, having a little dirty fun at the Biebs’ expense.
“It’s really for adults who are sick of hearing their prepubescent daughters play his songs or scream his name over and over again,” the author said in a statement. “I don’t remember being that fanatical about singers when I was that young.” Guess Tenshery, who is Canadian just like Bieber, missed NKOTB, ‘N Sync or the Beatles.
Once the Belieber nation gets wind of this book, Tenshery will likely need to duck and cover. Let’s hope she sells 100 copies of the book to make back her $200 ticket investment.

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