Senin, 28 November 2011

Justin Bieber, She & Him join holiday music tradition

She & Him, “A Very She & Him Christmas” And Justin Bieber Misltetoe

Parents are likely to buy Justin Bieber’s Christmas album for their kids and pray that their young ones will only play it through their headphones. But the elders would be missing out. Bieber’s “Under the Mistletoe” is a thoroughly entertaining offering for all ages — sometimes even more so for the adults.
Although he’s still a teen heartthrob, there’s little childlike about this album (except for the song “Someday at Christmas,” which closes out the deluxe CD, where a much younger Bieber channels Michael Jackson).

Bieber’s voice has deepened, and the bubble gum sound has given way to a more mature, soulful sound. Bieber sounds convincingly romantic on the album’s opener, “The Only Thing I Ever Get For Christmas.” And on the soulful upbeat groove “Fa La La,” with guests Boyz II Men, he sounds almost — dare we say it? — sexy.

But before we venture into Mariah Yeater territory, let’s focus on some of the other songs on the album. He joins Mariah Carey on her holiday classic “All I Want for Christmas Is You”; the Band Perry for a powerful “Home This Christmas”; enlists mentor Usher on a charming rendition of “The Christmas Song”; and gets funky with Busta Rhymes on a hip-hop version of “Little Drummer Boy” (here simply called “Drummer Boy”), as both trade rap verses.

Bieber breathes new life into old standbys and offers up new songs that have the potential to become future classics. Even if you don’t have kids, “Under the Mistletoe” should be under your Christmas tree.

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