Jumat, 30 September 2011

Justin Bieber Mexico Concert Pics 30 September, 2011

Justin Bieber“MY WORLD TOUR” concert in Monterrey Arena, MEXICO. Sept 30, 2011.
If you notice, his white-purple outfit is slightly different with the outfit he wore in 2010 Tour.

Justin Bieber serenading his Mexican “One Less Lonely Girl”. Her name is Debahni Guzman. Shes the girl who was crying on the floor due to sold-out ticket in Monterey, Mexico. 


Justin Bieber Mexico Concert Pics 30 September, 2011

Justin Bieber“MY WORLD TOUR” concert in Monterrey Arena, MEXICO. Sept 30, 2011.
If you notice, his white-purple outfit is slightly different with the outfit he wore in 2010 Tour.

Justin Bieber serenading his Mexican “One Less Lonely Girl”. Her name is Debahni Guzman. Shes the girl who was crying on the floor due to sold-out ticket in Monterey, Mexico. 


Justin Bieber Buys Selena Gomez a Pink Monkey

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are both working in Nashville, Tennessee, this week, and a pink stuffed monkey—the kind that hangs his fuzzy arms around your neck—will ensure Selena never forgets the experience. The toy's tee sports a guitar and says "Hangin' Out in Nashville". Justin bought it for her at the lavish Loews Vanderbilt hotel gift shop, for $14.99, reports Hollywood Life in an exclusive. Selena hugged him—the monkey, not Justin Bieber—although there was some PDA included.
The suite they shared came a bit more pricey, at $1,800 per night, for two nights in the largest suite with a king-sized bed and a marble Jacuzzi, a kitchen and dining area, and spectacular views of the Nashville area. A second bedroom connects, but sources presume Justin's bodyguard slept there. The suites are located on special, key-coded, limited access floors, to keep out the hordes of fans who turn up everywhere Justin Bieber goes.
The sources report Justin paid for the room, too, although both teens were working on separate music videos, so either could certainly have charged the room costs to their work-related expense cards.

"They stayed in the Swan Suites, which is really romantic and lavish. When they checked in, they just were adorable, the cutest couple," an insider reported. "It was really sweet and Justin was incredibly polite and a real gentleman. He had his arm around Selena and they were not afraid to be affectionate with each other in public."
Justin Bieber was in Nashville to pull together his Christmas album, and Selena Gomez was working on an album, too. It's unknown whether they planned to be in the same place at the same time, or whether it just happened. But next week, Justin heads south, to Mexico and Selena begins her northbound Canadian tour.

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Selena Gomez "Hit The Lights" nuevo Video Clip

Tal parece que Selena Gomez ha querido enviar un mensaje a sus fans y ha publicado la imagen de arriba en Instagram con el siguiente texto:

"It’s the boy you never told 'I like you' it’s the girl you LET get away.. It’s the one you saw that day on the train but you freaked out and walked away.." (Es el chico que nunca le dijiste 'me gustas', es la chica que dejaste ir.. Es la que viste ese día en el tren pero te asustaste y te fuiste..)

Como ven, es un fragmento de la letra de "Hit The Lights", así que presumimos que será el nuevo Video Musical de Selena Gomez & The Scene.

Selena Gomez sobre relación sentimental: Soy muy sincera

Selena Gomez volvió a hablar acerca de su pasado tormentoso. La cantante de pop estará en la portada de la revista Candy del mes de octubre. Selena Gomez habló acerca de la sinceridad en una relación.

‘La única cosa que siempre digo a mis fans, es que es simplemente no vale la pena ser alguien que no eres’, dijo Selena Gomez. ‘Me he conformado con un montón de chicos que me gustaban, es muy fácil querer ser lo que ellos quieren, pero al final, simplemente no era agradable y me sentía muy mal la mitad del tiempo. Ahora soy muy sincera.

Así también, Selena Gomez reveló detalles de su encuentro con Shia LaBeouf, su gira, y algunos secretos para las citas.

Selena Gomez sueña con tener su propia organización benéfica

La cantante de 'Who Says', Selena Gomez, relató a la nueva edición de la revista 'Candy' que en algún momento espera tener su propia organización de caridad, aunque por el momento se siente feliz de colaborar con diferentes beneficencias para las que trabaja.

'Con suerte, algún podré tener mi propia organización para acercarme a la gente y ayudarla, por ahora ahora, trabajo con distintas beneficencias y me gusta', manifestó Selena Gomez.

La actriz de 'Monte Carlo', además, indicó que es su ideal sentirse realizada con este tipo de proyectos. 'Quiero sentirme orgullosa de todo lo que hago y realmente solo quiero ser una persona muy buena y feliz', agregó Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez asiste a audición para un nuevo proyecto

La estrella de 'Monte Carlo', Selena Gomez, podría estar regresando a la pantalla grande. No hay información oficial de un nuevo filme en el que esté confirmada, sin embargo, la actriz parece estar interesada en un nuevo proyecto.

A través de su Twitter, Selena Gomez anunció a sus fans que el miércoles realizaría una audición, probablemente para una próxima película. '¡Gran audición el día de hoy! ¡Dedos cruzados!', escribió.

Por el momento no se ha reportado en qué consistirá el proyecto y tampoco el resultado de la audición de Selena Gomez. No queda descartado que también pueda tratarse algún nuevo proyecto en televisión.

21 Under 21: Justin Bieber comes in at No.1!

Birthdate: March 1, 1994 (age 17)
 Rank Last Year: No. 2
Why He’s Hot: Any way you slice it, Justin Bieber is at the top of the underage set, and in 2011 he gracefully takes our 21 Under 21 crown from now-21-year-old Taylor Swift. Although the Biebs hasn’t released a proper album since “My World 2.0″ in March 2010, the pop superstar has spent the past year essentially releasing everything else imaginable: an acoustic album, a 3D movie, a memoir, a new fragrance, a singing doll, and a lock of his hair, which became a hot item on eBay. Next up is a Christmas release, an insanely anticipated new album, and more time spent with pop star girlfriend Selena Gomez in between award shows and sold-out arena concerts. It’s Justin Bieber’s world — we’re just living in it.
Source: Billboard

¿Podría la distancia romper el noviazgo de Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber?

Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber están a punto de tener una separación de mucho tiempo por los distintos compromisos de la pareja.

Justin sale en un par de días a su gira por México y Latinoamérica y va a ser extensa.

Selena todavía tiene compromisos que cumplir y su gira por Canadá.

A Selena se le ha visto en estos dos últimos días irritada y de mal humor, cosa muy extraña en ella ya que siempre está sonriente, de buen humor y es amable tanto con reporteros como fotógrafos.

Parece ser que Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber tienen un gran desacuerdo, la intensa gira que se le aproxima al ídolo de millones de jovencitas quienes lo están esperando con enormes ganas y desesperación en los distintos países en los que Justin se va a presentar.

Selena Gómez no se queda nada atrás en cuanto a trabajo se refiere, su gira y su línea de ropa que tiene gran éxito.

Selena Gómez y Justin Bieber son una de las parejas jóvenes más queridas de Hollywood y más seguidas tanto por la prensa como por sus millones de fans- Debe de ser sumamente difícil la separación, pero si existe el amor verdadero, ni la distancia ni el tiempo tienen por qué afectarlo.

Selena Gómez es una mujer inteligente y madura, es normal que los dos estén tristes y que les duela la separación, pero ambos están seguros de su amor.

Esperemos que no pase a mayores ya que sería una tristeza enorme para sus millones de seguidores en el mundo y bueno quizá a otros les daría mucho gusto.

Selena Gómez ya superó los dos millones de comentarios en su cuenta oficial de Youtube

La cantante juvenil Selena Gómez ya superó los dos millones de comentarios en su cuenta oficial de Youtube “SelGomez”.

A pesar de esta marca lograda, Gómez aún no puede superar a Lady Gaga, quien posee muchos más comentarios.

"Espero sacar un disco completo en español, pero antes quiero practicar más”, dijo hace poco la novia de Justin Bieber.

“Antes hablaba más español pero lo perdí cuando comencé la escuela ... Pero lo puedo volver a aprender, que es lo que quiero hacer, por mi familia y mis seguidores que tienen el mismo origen", declaró.

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Justin Bieber Nominated For MTV O Awards 2011

The 2011 MTV O Awards will return for a second round on October 31, with some of the new categories coming courtesy of user suggestions.
Among the new user-generated categories are Fan Army FTW and Best Artist with a Cameraphone. On Best Artist with Cameraphone,  Justin is up against Demi Lovato, Young the Giant, Katy Perry, the Deftones and Shiny Toy Guns.
For Fan Army FTW, Justin Bieber’s Beliebers will fight off with the  Little Monsters,Glamberts, Juggalos, Troopers, Lovatics,  Taylor Nation, Barbiez, Team Weezy and Aliens.
Please click here to VOTE Justin! You'll have to singup 

Justin Bieber Nominated For MTV O Awards 2011

The 2011 MTV O Awards will return for a second round on October 31, with some of the new categories coming courtesy of user suggestions.
Among the new user-generated categories are Fan Army FTW and Best Artist with a Cameraphone. On Best Artist with Cameraphone,  Justin is up against Demi Lovato, Young the Giant, Katy Perry, the Deftones and Shiny Toy Guns.
For Fan Army FTW, Justin Bieber’s Beliebers will fight off with the  Little Monsters,Glamberts, Juggalos, Troopers, Lovatics,  Taylor Nation, Barbiez, Team Weezy and Aliens.
Please click here to VOTE Justin! You'll have to singup 

Justin Bieber Drops "Like Love" Acoustic Remix

Lil Wayne Cover arrives ahead of Biebs upcoming Christmas album.
Firstly, it was Hot, and now, Justin Bieber jumps on Lil Wayne "in love" bandwagon. On Wednesday (September 28) the singer dropped his acoustic version of the ballad.
According to a Tweet Bieber Manager, Scooter Braun, Bieber production and played all instruments on the song, which shows the singer grows as an artist and his ability to cover older lyrical content. He plays guitar and percussion, displaying his skills instrumentalist and as fans have seen during this year, he also sings in a lower key.
About a minute and a half on the track, Bieber even shows off his rap skills when he spits, "I just want to take my time/I just want my thing/maybe we press rewind/possible buy the rings/we can grow old together/just share our souls together/find love, Kiss and hug/how to roll together/I just need you by my side/maybe we could be good/I just want to hold you right/we can at night/ do I need one. "
Brown also shared that there are more new music goes from Bieber, tweeting, "he has some more remixes, coming too. right @ seankingston ".
This week, Bieber is headed to South America for a string of dates for the next phase of his My World Tour, and he had this message for all Bieliebers out there: "U know what ... I LOVE MY FANS!! and Yes, I know there r haterz, but u can't stop us from living our dreams. hard work, and this group.  wegohard. "
In this regard, Bieber tweeted out of date "# nov1st", perhaps a hint when the fall of his highly anticipated Christmas album. The album, which will be submitted to a confirmed track "Falalalala" with Boyz II Men, also rumored to include a collaboration with Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift, as well as highly sensitive collaboration with "implementing  1 most Legendary ever," according to Twitter from Braun.
Boyz II Men's Shawn Stockman said: "[Bieber] thought we would be perfect for it. And we went in and locked in. "

Justin Bieber Drops "Like Love" Acoustic Remix

Lil Wayne Cover arrives ahead of Biebs upcoming Christmas album.
Firstly, it was Hot, and now, Justin Bieber jumps on Lil Wayne "in love" bandwagon. On Wednesday (September 28) the singer dropped his acoustic version of the ballad.
According to a Tweet Bieber Manager, Scooter Braun, Bieber production and played all instruments on the song, which shows the singer grows as an artist and his ability to cover older lyrical content. He plays guitar and percussion, displaying his skills instrumentalist and as fans have seen during this year, he also sings in a lower key.
About a minute and a half on the track, Bieber even shows off his rap skills when he spits, "I just want to take my time/I just want my thing/maybe we press rewind/possible buy the rings/we can grow old together/just share our souls together/find love, Kiss and hug/how to roll together/I just need you by my side/maybe we could be good/I just want to hold you right/we can at night/ do I need one. "
Brown also shared that there are more new music goes from Bieber, tweeting, "he has some more remixes, coming too. right @ seankingston ".
This week, Bieber is headed to South America for a string of dates for the next phase of his My World Tour, and he had this message for all Bieliebers out there: "U know what ... I LOVE MY FANS!! and Yes, I know there r haterz, but u can't stop us from living our dreams. hard work, and this group.  wegohard. "
In this regard, Bieber tweeted out of date "# nov1st", perhaps a hint when the fall of his highly anticipated Christmas album. The album, which will be submitted to a confirmed track "Falalalala" with Boyz II Men, also rumored to include a collaboration with Sean Kingston and Taylor Swift, as well as highly sensitive collaboration with "implementing  1 most Legendary ever," according to Twitter from Braun.
Boyz II Men's Shawn Stockman said: "[Bieber] thought we would be perfect for it. And we went in and locked in. "

Justin Bieber - How To Love Lyrics with Music (Lil Wayne Cover)

Justin Bieber - How To Love Lyrics with Music (Lil Wayne Cover)
(lyrics coming up....)

Justin Bieber - How To Love Lyrics with Music (Lil Wayne Cover)

Justin Bieber - How To Love Lyrics with Music (Lil Wayne Cover)
(lyrics coming up....)

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Selena Gomez y Taylor Swift reunidas para una noche de chicas

Ellas son las mejores amigas del mundo, y Taylor Swift y Selena Gómez fueron vistas saliendo a cenar en el Benihana de Beverly Hills, el lunes (26 de septiembre) por la noche.

Las dos chicas han estado últimamente bastante ocupadas con sus carreras musicales y parece que finalmente ha encontrado algo de tiempo en sus agendas para pasar el rato juntas y contarse todo lo que han vivido en este tiempo.

Temprano en el día, Miss Gómez estuvo ocupada en una sesión de fotos en Venice, y una vistita a un Starbucks cercano.

Justin Bieber records Christmas duet with Usher

Justin Bieber, was joined in the studio by his mentor, who signed him to his Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG) label to duet on a Yule Tide hit. Bieber claims the track is very Christmassy and he is really pleased with what he and Usher have produced.
Justin Tweeted :
just finished a late nt in the studio for the christmas album...it is OFFICIAL...my big bro @UsherRaymondIV is on the album with me! #EPIC

this duet with me and @USHERRAYMONDIV for #christmas is CRAZY!!!

Click To Enlarge

He is teaming up with a host of music stars for his Christmas record, including The Band Perry.

Taylor Swift and Sean Kingston are also rumoured to be a part of it.

Justin Bieber records Christmas duet with Usher

Justin Bieber, was joined in the studio by his mentor, who signed him to his Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG) label to duet on a Yule Tide hit. Bieber claims the track is very Christmassy and he is really pleased with what he and Usher have produced.
Justin Tweeted :
just finished a late nt in the studio for the christmas album...it is OFFICIAL...my big bro @UsherRaymondIV is on the album with me! #EPIC

this duet with me and @USHERRAYMONDIV for #christmas is CRAZY!!!

Click To Enlarge

He is teaming up with a host of music stars for his Christmas record, including The Band Perry.

Taylor Swift and Sean Kingston are also rumoured to be a part of it.

Selena Gomez lució aburrida en sesión de fotos

La cantante de pop Selena Gomez tuvo una sesión de fotos en Venice, California, pero a diferencias de trabajos anteriores, la cantante lució cansada y aburrida.

Selena Gomez lució un maquillaje muy natural, y hasta el momento se desconoce el medio en el cual estarán las fotografías.

En noticias relacionadas, Selena Gomez fue vista saliendo del hospital Providence, lugar al cual acudió para hacerse unos chequeos de rutina.

Hechiceros de Waverly Place final de temporada - Selena Gomez

Alex Russo, interpretada por Selena Gomez, y su singular familia de magos se verán envueltos en un nuevos aprietos en el último episodio de la tercera temporada de la serie de Disney Channel, 'Hechiceros de Waverly Place'.

Todo parecía transcurrir como un día 'normal' en el negocio de la familia Russo en el nuevo avance de la serie de Selena Gomez. Sin embargo, la calma será perturbada cuando un agente secreto de un Departamento del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos custodie el lugar.

La familia Russo pronto se verá acorralada y el agente secreto revelará saber que ellos son magos. El nuevo episodio titulado 'Wizards Exposed' será estrenado el viernes 15 de octubre en el final de temporada.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Pose Ala Brangelina

The couple who were in love Justin bieber and Selena Gomez was also apparently infatuated instagram. With these applications, they pose Pitt-Jolie family style, complete with six children.

As quoted by the Daily Mail, Justin and Selena looked pose with six baby. Pose is similar to photo Jolie-Pitt acted for a magazine with their children several years ago.

The photos were then uploaded into account instagram Justin. "Brangelina 2.0 hahahahahaha," wrote the singer of 'Baby' is in the photo caption la Jolie-Pitt's.

In his picture, Selena and Justin seen posing with six babies and sitting in a park. Both seem equally assume the two babies.
Earlier in an interview, Justin said that if he did want to become a father at a young age. "When I was 25 or 26, I want to see me get married or start a family," explains the singer was 17 years.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Pose Ala Brangelina

Justin Bieber staged violent street fight (Video)

Justin Bieber
A video starring Justin Bieber a street fight in Los Angeles has emerged on the web causing public annoyance ye even the disappointment of some fans to see the singer in that situation.

However, the controversial video is not nothing but a scene filmed for a public service announcement in which Justin Bieber participate. This is intended to warn about bullying in schools, better known as 'bullying'.

At the beginning of the video shows how the singer of 'One Less Lonely Girl' lashes out at a guy and knocked him down on the track. Soon after coming to another and also appears to attack with violence.

Justin Bieber's 'Titanic' surprise for Selena Gomez Which Is Most Expensive Date EVER!!

Justin Bieber planned a romantic surprise for Selena Gomez by organising a private screening of "Titanic" at the Staples Centre.
                                                                                            Click To Enlarge

           He closed down the huge venue so that he could watch the Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet-starrer blockbuster, in private, reports femalefirst.
To begin with, Justin took Selena to Demi Lovato's concert at the Nokia Theatre Friday, following which, he led her to the empty arena, which has a capacity of up to 20,000 people. "Titanic" was screened for the couple there, and Gomez is said to have been "thrilled" with her surprise. Bieber is said to have got the idea from Adam Sandler's movie "Mr. Deeds" in which his character organises a date for Winnona Ryder's alter-ego at New York's Madison Square Garden. According to MTV news, Jelena's Titanic date at Staples Center could cost him almost $500,000, which "MOST expensive" Date EVER!!!!!

Justin Bieber's 'Titanic' surprise for Selena Gomez Which Is Most Expensive Date EVER!!

Justin Bieber planned a romantic surprise for Selena Gomez by organising a private screening of "Titanic" at the Staples Centre.
                                                                                            Click To Enlarge

           He closed down the huge venue so that he could watch the Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet-starrer blockbuster, in private, reports femalefirst.
To begin with, Justin took Selena to Demi Lovato's concert at the Nokia Theatre Friday, following which, he led her to the empty arena, which has a capacity of up to 20,000 people. "Titanic" was screened for the couple there, and Gomez is said to have been "thrilled" with her surprise. Bieber is said to have got the idea from Adam Sandler's movie "Mr. Deeds" in which his character organises a date for Winnona Ryder's alter-ego at New York's Madison Square Garden. According to MTV news, Jelena's Titanic date at Staples Center could cost him almost $500,000, which "MOST expensive" Date EVER!!!!!

Selena Gomez fue a hospital para control de su salud

La actriz y cantante Selena Gomez fue al hospital, para revisar su estado de salud. La cantante fue vista cuando salía del hospital Providence en Los Ángeles.

Selena Gomez estuvo al lado de una amiga, y se señala que estuvo hablando con su madre acerca de los chequeos de rutina a los que se sometió.

Como se recuerda, Selena Gomez fue internada de emergencia hace unos meses, debido a un cuadro de desnutrición. En ese momento, la cantante confesó ser amante de la comida chatarra.

Video: Selena Gomez ignoró a paparazzi

La cantante Selena Gomez tuvo un agradable paseo con sus padres, Brian Teefey y Mandy Cornett, pero no pudo evitar ser acosada por la prensa.

Un paparazzi se acercó a Selena Gomez y le preguntó acerca de la fotografía donde sale al lado de Justin Bieber y seis bebés; sin embargo, la cantante prefirió ignorar la pregunta.

Selena Gomez está disfrutando su tiempo libre con su familia y con Justin Bieber. La cantante iniciará su gira por Canadá el 13 de octubre.

Selena Gomez será anfitriona en los MTV Europe Music Awards 2011

La cantante Selena Gomez no solo ha sido nominada en una categoría de los premios MTV Europe Music Awards 2011, sino que también tendrá el honor de ser anfitriona de la ceremonia que se realizará el 6 de noviembre.

Selena Gomez expuso todo su entusiasmo por la noticia a través de Twitter. '¡Estoy tan emocionada por ser anfitriona en los MTV Europe Music Awards 2011 este 6 de noviembre en Belfast! ¡Véanlo en vivo por MTV!', manifestó.

Como se recuerda, Selena Gomez compite por el título del artista con 'Mejores Fans' en los MTV EMA 2011, categoría que también incluye a Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Paramore y Thirty Seconds to Mars.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Justin Hits Sesame Street With Elmo

Justin Bieber is already an international phenomenon. 
For the premier of their 42nd season on September 26, Sesame Street debuted a lavender felt Justin puppet fashioned in a leather jacket, with dog tags and Bieb’s signature coif. The bang-whipping dopplehanger duets with Elmo on a song called “Measure, Yeah, Measure” which sounds a lot like Justin’s hit track “Never Say Never on The Karate Kid soundtrack.

Stressing the importance of rulers, scales and tablespoons, puppet Justin measures a jumbo shrimp and weights an elephant, while singing in a much deeper voice than the real Justin. Beliebers won’t mind, however, he still sounds as adorable as the real thing.
Mid-song, Elmo possibly puts Justin’s original duet partner, Jaden Smith, to shame with a little mid-song rap break, bouncing around the studio in a cool leather jacket, chef’s jacket and construction worker’s hard hat. Clearly he’s a puppet of many talents

Justin Hits Sesame Street With Elmo

Justin Bieber is already an international phenomenon. 
For the premier of their 42nd season on September 26, Sesame Street debuted a lavender felt Justin puppet fashioned in a leather jacket, with dog tags and Bieb’s signature coif. The bang-whipping dopplehanger duets with Elmo on a song called “Measure, Yeah, Measure” which sounds a lot like Justin’s hit track “Never Say Never on The Karate Kid soundtrack.

Stressing the importance of rulers, scales and tablespoons, puppet Justin measures a jumbo shrimp and weights an elephant, while singing in a much deeper voice than the real Justin. Beliebers won’t mind, however, he still sounds as adorable as the real thing.
Mid-song, Elmo possibly puts Justin’s original duet partner, Jaden Smith, to shame with a little mid-song rap break, bouncing around the studio in a cool leather jacket, chef’s jacket and construction worker’s hard hat. Clearly he’s a puppet of many talents

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber tuvieron cita en un estadio para los dos solos

Siempre buscando tener los mejores detalles para su novia Selena Gomez, se supo que Justin Bieber tuvo una romántica cita con la actriz de 'Monte Carlo' en el estadio del Staples Center en Los Angeles en donde proyectó la recordada película 'Titanic'.

'TMZ' informó que los cantantes estuvieron completamente solos y que el lugar fue destinado exclusivamente para los dos. Por si fuera poco, se reportó también que Justin Bieber no tuvo que pagar ni un dólar para aprovechar el estadio.

Al parecer, los dueños de complejo deportivo les dieron el lugar para esa ocasión como agradecimiento, en vista de que el cantante de pop consiguió llenarlo de público las veces que ofreció sus conciertos.

Video: Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber asistieron a concierto de Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato ha regresado con fuerza a los escenarios, y como parte de su apoyo, Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber asistieron al concierto de la cantante en Los Ángeles.

Selena Gomez y Demi Lovato son amigas desde que eran niñas, y ahora que son dos hermosas mujeres, no dejan de compartir buenos momentos.

En noticias relacionadas, Justin Bieber tuvo una cita con Selena Gomez en el estadiodel Staples Center en Los Ángeles, el lugar es conocido por haber sido el lugar del funeral de Michael Jackson.

Selena Gomez se reúne con sus padres para desayunar en familia

Selena Gomez y sus padres Brian Teefey y Mandy Cornett se reunieron el sábado para un desayuno en familia. La actriz de 'Monte Carlo' lucía sumamente feliz mientras caminaba al lado de su madre y su padrastro.

En esta ocasión, el novio de Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, no fue captado acompañándolos; no obstante, la joven pareja tuvo una cita romántica hace poco en donde lucían muy cariñosos, descartándose así las especulaciones de que habría problemas entre ambos.

Como se sabe, el padre de Selena Gomez, Ricardo Gomez, se separó de Mandy Cornett cuando la actriz tenía apenas 5 años de edad en 1997. Cornett está casada actualmente con Brian Teefey.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Sharddha Sharma Indian Justin Bieber:TOI

The latest Indian sensation on YouTube is Shraddha Sharma, a girl from Dehradun, who has captured the nation's attention through her voice. The 15-year-old, who uploaded her first song "Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki" from the movie "Virsa" on April 30, 2011, has since then uploaded six videos of her singing, that have amassed more than two million views in all, making her channel - Shraddharockin - the highest subscribed channel in India with 18,583 subscribers.

She created her Facebook page on August 17 and within a month she had over 49,850 fans, and as many as 2206 people following her on Twitter. She describes herself as a "Normal girl residing in Dehradun". Giving credit to her mother for introducing her to music, she says, "She is my first teacher, my first audience and my inspiration." The Class XI science student, who belongs to a family of musicians, says she wants to be a rock star. "I want to see myself standing in Justin Bieber's place, or even higher. I know my dreams are really big, but I believe dreams are fulfilled only if you have the power to see them," Shraddha says

Comment Guyzzzz :)
Source: Times Of India

Sharddha Sharma Indian Justin Bieber:TOI

The latest Indian sensation on YouTube is Shraddha Sharma, a girl from Dehradun, who has captured the nation's attention through her voice. The 15-year-old, who uploaded her first song "Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki" from the movie "Virsa" on April 30, 2011, has since then uploaded six videos of her singing, that have amassed more than two million views in all, making her channel - Shraddharockin - the highest subscribed channel in India with 18,583 subscribers.

She created her Facebook page on August 17 and within a month she had over 49,850 fans, and as many as 2206 people following her on Twitter. She describes herself as a "Normal girl residing in Dehradun". Giving credit to her mother for introducing her to music, she says, "She is my first teacher, my first audience and my inspiration." The Class XI science student, who belongs to a family of musicians, says she wants to be a rock star. "I want to see myself standing in Justin Bieber's place, or even higher. I know my dreams are really big, but I believe dreams are fulfilled only if you have the power to see them," Shraddha says

Comment Guyzzzz :)
Source: Times Of India

Justin Bieber The "New King" Of Social Media

It’s hard to believe that Ashton Kutcher is no longer the king of social media. That honor has gone to Justin Bieber - thanks mostly to his fans. He is more influential than Barack Obama or The Dalai Lama, according to published reports. Truth be told, Kutcher still touts some 7 million followers on Twitter and 10 million fans on Facebook. He definitely will charm as Charlie Sheen’s replacement on “Two and a Half Men.” However, Justin Bieber is the new King. If it’s one person who knows about the struggles of life, it’s Justin Bieber,17, who’s life hasn’t always been picture-perfect. Reportedly, he grew up in poverty and could empathize with people who struggle, since he was raised by a single mom. Bieber was discovered on YouTube back in 2008. In June, he ranked number 2 on the Forbes list of Best-Paid Celebrities under 30. He has raked in about $53 million earned in a 12-month period. Bieber, who is dating Selena Gomez, share a common bond. Selena also suffered hardships while growing up. Perhaps that’s why the two seem perfect together. Bieber’s popularity is so huge that it has caused safety concerns. Out of control fans can sometimes scare celebrities. It was the headline that had the Beliebers around the world shocked: “Justin Bieber...... 
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Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber lucen tiernos luego de semana difícil

Las jóvenes estrellas del momento, Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez, tuvieron una semana no muy agradable; sin embargo, la pareja fue fotografiada el 23 de setiembre y parece que solucionaron sus diferencias.

Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez se divirtieron en una playa de California en compañía del mar y las gaviotas. Ambos cantantes se veían felices y disfrutando de su amor en la arena.

Cabe recordar que la última semana no fue muy buena para Justin Bieber y Selena Gomez. El malestar de los jóvenes se inició en la alfombra roja de Abduction, película del ex de Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus y Demi Lovato entre las estrellas que se ven mejor sin maquillaje

Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus y Selena Gomez están entre las estrellas que se ven bien sin maquillaje. ¿Saldrías en una revista sin una gota de maquillaje?, pues estas cantantes han sido valientes y se ven preciosas.

Otras que pueden estar en esta categoría son Jessica Simpson, la cual cuenta con 29 años, y aunque está un poco gordita, como sea, se ve preciosa. Le sigue Demi Moore la cual ya tiene 47 años de edad, y no sé qué se hace pero no necesita maquillarse, el otro día salió fotografiada en una de las obras sociales que hace en Africa, y solo con una playera y unos Jeans.

Kim Kardashian salio en la portada de Life & Style, y declaró que no le hicieron ni un retoque, y se veia hermosa. En el sitio de Internet Hollywood Life hicieron un concurso sobre cuales son las mas bellas sin maquillaje.

Selena Gomez se une al movimiento anti 'Bullying' en Facebook

Selena Gomez es una de las jóvenes celebridades que se esfuerzan porque el acoso escolar, mejor conocido como 'Bullying', deje de manifestarse entre los jóvenes, por eso se ha unido al movimiento 'Stop Bullying: Speak Up' en Facebook.

La estrella de 'Monte Carlo' ha solicitado el apoyo de sus fans para que también formen parte de esta causa. 'El 'bullying' no es divertido. He firmado para la petición 'Stop Bullying: Speak Up'. Únanse al movimiento en www.facebook.com/stopbullyingspeakup'.

Como se sabe, durante su época escolar Selena Gomez fue víctima de 'Bullying' al igual que su amiga Demi Lovato, por lo que ambas tuvieron que estudiar en sus propios hogares.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

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