Sabtu, 30 April 2011
Britain’s Got Talent star Ronan Parke the next Justin Bieber?
Britain may have found its answer to Canadian pop prince Justin Bieber in the form of a young contestant on this year’s Britain’s Got Talent.
12 year old Ronan Parke, who was one of the final contestants to perform on the third Britain’s Got Talent audition show, has already taken the internet by storm.
The shy singer instantly won over fans with his impressive performance of Feeling Good, sung by Nina Simone and Michael Buble.
Despite his diminutive stature his powerful blues voice earned him a standing ovation from the 2500 strong London audience and the three judges, Louis Walsh, Michael McIntyre and Amanda Holden.
On her feet, Amanda said: "Oh my goodness! Ronan that was ace! I cannot believe how fantastic that was!"
On her feet, Amanda said: "Oh my goodness! Ronan that was ace! I cannot believe how fantastic that was!"
Michael said: "Ronan, yes, you took a day off school; I wouldn't bother going back! He added: "You are a little star... you have just taken the room and just blown the roof off it!"
Louis said: "I'm going to predict really big things for you, you're so good...Ronan Parke: remember that name, this kid is going to be a star."
With three emphatic “yeses” Ronan's mum Maggie ran on stage to hug her tearful son while Louis told fellow judges: "He's the one to beat."
Ronan’s name immediately began to trend worldwide on the micro blogging site Twitter with fans dubbing him the next Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber shot to fame after posting his videos on the vlogging site You Tube. With his Bieber-esque hair cut and obvious talent it looks as if the shy 12 year old could follow in his footsteps.
With three emphatic “yeses” Ronan's mum Maggie ran on stage to hug her tearful son while Louis told fellow judges: "He's the one to beat."
Ronan’s name immediately began to trend worldwide on the micro blogging site Twitter with fans dubbing him the next Justin Bieber.
Justin Bieber shot to fame after posting his videos on the vlogging site You Tube. With his Bieber-esque hair cut and obvious talent it looks as if the shy 12 year old could follow in his footsteps.
Selena Gomez dice que tiene trastorno bipolar

Ella dijo: "Lo más importante que me molesta de eso es que yo nunca dije que quería ser la chica buena. Yo sólo quería ser conocida por mi trabajo. Me encanta mi trabajo, mis fans. Me molesta que me pongan como una niña buena".
Ella agregó: "Estoy segura de que tengo algún tipo de trastorno bipolar. Me despierto feliz, y de pronto estoy triste. Es una locura, pero ahora mismo me gusta todo eso..."
Sin embargo, ella todavía no quiere hablar sobre su relación con Justin. Selena se limitó a decir: "Creo que Justin es un gran artista, es una realidad".
Selena ha admitido que le encantaría trabajar con el pianista Jason Moran: "Creo que es tan talentoso que me he enamorado de él, creo".
Aunque no ha igualado el éxito de Justin en la música, ella está a punto de lanzar su tercer álbum como parte de Selena Gomez & The Scene y el nuevo single "Who Says" se puede descargar desde el 15 de mayo.
Ella lanzó el single después de algunos comentarios mordaces sobre ella y Justin. Ella dijo: "Esta canción trata sobre la gente que siempre tratará de desmoralizarte. No dejen que la gente les haga eso. No es una canción triste, es optimista...."
Selena es valiente al admitir que es parte del mundo plástico y perfecto de Disney y un modelo a seguir para millones de chicas jóvenes. Pero luego, cuando vienen y le dicen que quieren ser famosos y ser como ella, trata de guiarlos en aguas menos agitadas.
Ella dijo: "Yo les digo, 'no lo hagas sólo para ser famoso', tienes que amar lo que quieres hacer. Habrá una gran cantidad de rechazo y hay que estar preparado para ello. Estoy en un lugar muy feliz en mi carrera. Pero todavía me rechazan a veces".
Su madre la ha ayudado a pasar por tiempos oscuros. Selena no es hueso duro de roer. Ella dijo: "Mi madre me empuja a ser más dura y no sé qué haría sin ella. Ella es la fuerza impulsora detrás de mi éxito...".
Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber estarían planeando vacacionar juntos

De acuerdo con 'Hollywood News', el informante de 'E! News', Ken Baker habría comentado a Ryan Seacrest que Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber estarían planificando unas vacaciones una vez que finalice la gira 'My World Tour'.
¿Crees que la estrella de Hechiceros de Waverly Place y el intérprete de 'Never Say Never' estén programando vacacionar juntos?
Selena Gomez revela que jamás podría ser jueza de X Factor

Selena Gomez dijo: ‘No creo que pueda ser juez en Factor X, porque yo nunca sería capaz de enviar a casa a nadie. Pensé que sería como ‘No puedo enviar a casa a nadie lo siento, todos van a ganar. Yo no podía hacerlo, así que mi sueño es llevar a cantar en X Factor o ser un miembro de la audiencia’.
Selena Gomez También reveló que su sueño sería hacer un dúo con la cantante británica y el jueza de Factor X, Cheryl Cole.
Jumat, 29 April 2011
Happy Birthday @KennyHamilton
Justin Bieber played a birthday prank on his friend Wilson Warren, after posting his friend’s phone number on his Twitter page!
Earlier today, the teen singer posted Wilson’s cell phone number on his Twitter page, urging his fans to give him a call, thinking that they were going to talk to Justin! Ha!
He tweeted, “Call me…I wanna talk to my fans.”
His friend received a ton of phone calls from Justin’s fans. Wilson responded, “O you little tool… Oooooooo if you weren’t in Aus”, adding, “Love my lil bro Justin Bieber but all is fair in love and war. Still friends. For now. Hahahaha.”
Mark Wahlberg Compares Bieber To Tupac: World Cries
Yes. You did read the headline correctly: Mark Wahlberg just compared Justin Bieber to Tupac Shakur. Since you -- like us -- probably can't quite believe that just happened, here's the actual (ridiculous) quote:
"The world needs Justin Bieber," Wahlberg opined. "Justin Bieber is like the white Tupac. Compared to a lot of people."
Is he, Wahlberg? Really? That's a bit like saying Lady Gaga is like the white Aretha Franklin -- compared to a lot of people (who've never held microphones). Or that Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch was like Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five -- compared to a lot of people (who've never made any music at all).
If you're going to throw "compared to a lot of people" on the end of a comparison, it pretty much makes it null and void. The only thing Justin Bieber has in common with Tupac is that they've both had successful careers in music -- and it definitely isn't the same kind of music.
Bieber's from Ontario, Canada; Tupac was a Harlem boy who wound up in the Bay Area. Tupac focused on social issues in his songs; Bieber sings about girls. Bieber is squeaky clean (if a little creepy around older women); Tupac was in and out of trouble with the law throughout his life. Bieber sold locks of his hair on eBay for $40,668; Tupac survived being shot in the head in 1994.
Saying Justin Bieber is like Tupac Shakur, compared to a lot of people, is like saying Barack Obama is like Hitler, compared to a lot of people (who've never been in charge of a country).
Nice one, Wahlberg. We actually do think you're a good actor, with fine abs and a penchant for having babies every three minutes. And we're not even going to assume that the movie you're cooking up with Bieber that prompted you to make such jaw-dropping statements, is going to be bad. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. But there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, sir. And comparing a tween popster with one of the most important figures in hip-hop history is nothing less than absurd.
Now, to cheer us all up, let's take a little look back on Wahlberg's previous experiments with music. Brilliant.
Justin Bieber reportedly planning summer trip with Selena Gomez Young love is in the air and it seems Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are determined to make their busy lives work together.
While it was rumored that the two spent some time together in Malaysia while Bieber continued his tour, it seems they may take a little longer trip soon, states HollywoodLife. E! News’ Ken Baker reportedly told Ryan Seacrest that the two young stars might have vacation plans after Bieber finishes his tour.
He also commented that engagement and promise ring rumors are being denied, but that they do seem totally in love.
Do you think this is just young love or the real thing?
The Phone Number of Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber fever rose a few degrees today when he published what he said was his phone number online and asked their fans to call him.
But in the end everything turned out to be just a joke. The number turned out to be one of his friends and posted it to make a joke on her birthday.
The young singer released the number and wrote
"Call me 4046616782 I wanna talk to my fans (sic)"
Which later faded. Just weeks before the singer of "Baby" caused uproar among his fans with a message on Twitter which mentioned that Twitter was going to leave forever. Neither turned out to be true because at this time has more than 9 million fans. We wonder how many calls from frantic screaming girls and received his poor friend. Happy Birthday!
Justin is well known for his love of playing pranks ... I recently played a joke on tour with his partner Willow Smith while she was in full show.
Kamis, 28 April 2011
Justin Bieber envió 'tweet' amoroso a Selena Gomez

Así lo dieron a conocer los medios internacionales a partir de las muestras de amor de la parejita en su viaje a Indonesia, en donde incluso el portal HollywoodLife informó que alquilaron nada menos que la suite presidencial del hotel de Paris Hilton.
"Fue un día especial y romántico", habría escrito el intérprete de One Time y Somebody to Love después de conocida su dolencia en la espalda.
En la víspera, Selena Gómez pulicó en su Twitter: “Después de unas largas 24 horas y algunos locos problemas con el avión por fin estoy fuera. Gracias a Indonesia y a nuestro secreto día en Bali”, contestando al Baby.
Selena Gomez: Hilary Duff era mi ídola

Así también, la actual novia de Justin Bieber aseguró que sus fans son increíbles y que sin duda ella tiene los mejores seguidores.
'Amo mis fans, son lo má bello en el mundo para mí. Todo lo que hago es para ellos, todo lo que elijo y decido es para ellos. Tengo los mejores fans.' señaló Selena Gomez.
Taylor Swift a Selena Gomez: Los amigos son los mejores regalos

Ambos ídolos adolescentes lucen adorables en donde Taylor Swift sostiene una pequeña almohada que tiene una frase sabia de su amistad. ‘Los amigos son los mejores regalos’.
Taylor Swift y Selena Gomez han fortalecido su amistad con el paso de los años, ellas han estado mostrando su relación al público varias veces.
New Justin Bieber Perfume Products - Scented Wrist Bands and Dog Tags for Girls
Like so many other super hot celebrities Justin Bieber has created his own special fragrance. The Justin Bieber perfume scent is called "My World" and so far there is no mention of the perfume being bottled and sold. It has been added to jewelry, wrist bands and wearable fragrance dog tags. A pretty unique idea and I'm sure Justin Bieber's fans will love wearing the Justin Bieber products that feature a scent that he loves. Here's a video clip with more information on Justin Bieber's recent "My World" perfume creation.
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
New Justin Bieber Perfume Products - Scented Wrist Bands and Dog Tags for Girls
Like so many other super hot celebrities Justin Bieber has created his own special fragrance. The Justin Bieber perfume scent is called "My World" and so far there is no mention of the perfume being bottled and sold. It has been added to jewelry, wrist bands and wearable fragrance dog tags. A pretty unique idea and I'm sure Justin Bieber's fans will love wearing the Justin Bieber products that feature a scent that he loves. Here's a video clip with more information on Justin Bieber's recent "My World" perfume creation.
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
Tags: Justin Bieber perfume, Justin Bieber dog tags, Justin Bieber My World perfume, Justin Bieber My World scent, Justin Bieber perfume jewelry
Justin Bieber is Stressed
The young star of the moment is in full world tour with the aim of promoting his autobiographical film "Never Say Never. " However, due to the heavy schedule to be met, Bieber, 17, is beginning to feel the effects of stress, which is evident both in physique and in his temper.
The photographers captured the look of pain and poor Canadian side of the arrival airport Brisbane (Australia), although he explained that was due to back spasms suffered from a few days ago.
Justin Bieber has revealed in his Twitter account that had a lot of trouble getting to Australia and it seemed that there was no way that his plane took off from Bali, where he was in recent days with Selena Gomez.
Apparently, that moment of rest that was allowed with his beautiful bride was not enough to change the mood of the artist. Despite feeling down, the young artist already thinking about his next album and is writing songs in between concerts.
"I've been writing a lot of songs on the road (...) so thrilled about getting this music to the end of this year and record this summer, "said the young man microblogging network.
The photographers captured the look of pain and poor Canadian side of the arrival airport Brisbane (Australia), although he explained that was due to back spasms suffered from a few days ago.
Justin Bieber has revealed in his Twitter account that had a lot of trouble getting to Australia and it seemed that there was no way that his plane took off from Bali, where he was in recent days with Selena Gomez.
Apparently, that moment of rest that was allowed with his beautiful bride was not enough to change the mood of the artist. Despite feeling down, the young artist already thinking about his next album and is writing songs in between concerts.
"I've been writing a lot of songs on the road (...) so thrilled about getting this music to the end of this year and record this summer, "said the young man microblogging network.
Poster Official de Monte Carlo con Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester y Katie Cassidy
Rabu, 27 April 2011
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in Bali
Justin Bieber arrived Tuesday to Australia for a series of concerts in the country during the course of the week, but the Canadian singer, 17 years old, landed in the city of Brisbane without his beloved Selena Gomez.
Where the artist left his girlfriend?
Well it seems that the couple gave the farewell in Bali where they spent their last day together ... at least until the end of the world tour Bieber ending May 10.
Within minutes of arriving in Australia, Justin Bieber revealed in its official account on Twitter that enjoyed a "day secret " in the beautiful beaches of Bali.
"After 24 hours, and some crazy problems with the plane finally arrived. Thank Indonesia and Bali day our secret, " wrote the singer of 'Baby '.
Very few places in the world compares to the beauty and mystique of Bali, and it seems that the popular island of Indonesia was the final destination of the short holiday of Justin and Selena Gomez.
Within days, the couple rediscover again on American soil.
Justin Bieber 2011 Billboard Music Awards Nominations
OK maybe this is not the recent news but just to let u know if u never know it :)
Pop sensation Justin Bieber has been nominated for 11 Billboard Music Awards! Here is the list of categories Justin was nominated in:
- Top Artist
- Top Billboard 200 Album
- Top New Artist
- Top Social Artist
- Top Streaming Song (Video)
- Top 200 Billboard Artist
- Top Streaming Artist
- Top Digital Media Artist
- Top Male Artist
- Top Pop Artist
- Top Pop Album
- Top Billboard 200 Album
- Top New Artist
- Top Social Artist
- Top Streaming Song (Video)
- Top 200 Billboard Artist
- Top Streaming Artist
- Top Digital Media Artist
- Top Male Artist
- Top Pop Artist
- Top Pop Album
Which of the awards do you hope the star takes home? Be sure to watch the awards show, which is being broadcast live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on May 22, 2011.
Billabong goes Bieber for new faces :)
TEEN heart-throb Justin Bieber and stellar talent Lady Gaga could be the new faces of Gold Coast company Billabong under a new deal inked with Universal Music.
The strategic partnership is aimed at boosting the surfwear giant's profile among its high-profit youth markets.
Universal Music Group's suite of artists includes rapper Eminem and R&B artists Rihanna and Kanye West, as well as ageing rockers the Rolling Stones.
Universal Music Group's suite of artists includes rapper Eminem and R&B artists Rihanna and Kanye West, as well as ageing rockers the Rolling Stones.
Billabong said the agreement would help it keep pace with what it described as "changing youth culture appetites for entertainment and action sports".
The move follows a successful one-off collaboration with rock bands Metallica and Wolfmother -- also Universal Music artists -- to promote Billabong boardshorts.
It is understood Billabong will have to negotiate one-on-one with individual stars interested in attaching their name to the Gold Coast-born brand.
The move follows a successful one-off collaboration with rock bands Metallica and Wolfmother -- also Universal Music artists -- to promote Billabong boardshorts.
It is understood Billabong will have to negotiate one-on-one with individual stars interested in attaching their name to the Gold Coast-born brand.
Justin Bieber 'writing,' to record next album this summer!

"Been writing alot of songs on the road," Bieber told fans Wednesday. "Excited to just get this music out later this year and record this summer."
As previously reported, Bieber has been linked to Ne-Yo, who has said the "Baby" singer's next album should be more mature/grown up.
"[The songs] are not so grown where it's like, 'He doesn't know anything about that stuff,' but it's not bubblegum kiddie stuff, either," said Ne-Yo. "I think he has the kind of talent that will carry. He just needs tangible records, the kind of records that will grow with him and allow his fans to grow with him."
Justin Bieber Rings In $375,000 Fine For OZ Company
Teenage singing sensation Justin Bieber who arrived in Australia this week, was the topic of discussion in a Federal Court yesterday when a retailer of ringtones was fined $375,000 after being found guilty of engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct.
Teenage singing sensation Justin Bieber who arrived in Australia this week, was the topic of discussion in a Federal Court yesterday when a retailer of ringtones was fined $375,000 after being found guilty of engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct.
Two subsidiaries of mobile ringtone and games provider Mobile Active were the Companies fined by the Federal Court, after it found they engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when they aired four television advertisements that purported to sell one-off products that were actually subscription services.
The case, brought by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, involved TV commercials promoting mobile phone ringtones, including the song One Time by Bieber and mobile games such as Space Invaders and Doodle Jump.
The court found both companies generated $58,064 in revenue in response to the advertisements and the Bieber promotion was responsible for more than half of the total sales.
Two subsidiaries of mobile ringtone and games provider Mobile Active were the Companies fined by the Federal Court, after it found they engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct when they aired four television advertisements that purported to sell one-off products that were actually subscription services.
The case, brought by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, involved TV commercials promoting mobile phone ringtones, including the song One Time by Bieber and mobile games such as Space Invaders and Doodle Jump.
The court found both companies generated $58,064 in revenue in response to the advertisements and the Bieber promotion was responsible for more than half of the total sales.
The Bieber promotion charged users a joining fee of $13.20 and the company subsequently collected payment of $6.60 every six days for the subscription service.
The Bieber commercial had text at the bottom of the screen stating it was a subscription service, but the court found that the small text was difficult to read and the explanation inadequate, especially as the target audience was teenagers.
"The use of the word subscribe in my view was totally inadequate to inform the adult viewer, let alone a viewer under the age of 18, that what was being offered was a subscription to a broader service," Justice Annabelle Bennett said.
The Bieber commercial had text at the bottom of the screen stating it was a subscription service, but the court found that the small text was difficult to read and the explanation inadequate, especially as the target audience was teenagers.
"The use of the word subscribe in my view was totally inadequate to inform the adult viewer, let alone a viewer under the age of 18, that what was being offered was a subscription to a broader service," Justice Annabelle Bennett said.
Justin Bieber Nab CMT Music Awards Nods
The nominees for the 2011 CMT Music Awards are out, and it seems that there's no awards show Justin Bieber won't be nominated for.
The Canadian superstar managed to nab a CMT nod for his collaboration with Rascal Flatts on the reworked version of "That Should Be Me." He's up against Jason Aldean with Kelly Clarkson for "Don't You Wanna Stay," Kid Rock featuring Sheryl Crow for "Collide," Aaron Lewis featuring George Jones and Charlie Daniels for "Country Boy" and Loretta Lynn, Miranda Lambert and Sheryl Crow for "Coal Miner's Daughter" in the Collaborative Video of the Year category.
Taylor Swift got three nods for her video for "Mine": She's up for Best Web Video of the Year (for her performance at her Speak Now album-release party), Female Video of the Year and Video of the Year. Carrie Underwood is up for two prizes, facing off against Swift in the Female Video of the Year and Video of the Year categories with her video for "Undo It."
Other Female Video of the Year nominees include Sara Evans ("A Little Bit Stronger"), Miranda Lambert ("The House That Built Me") and Reba McEntire ("Turn On the Radio").
A number of other crossover acts such as Sugarland, Lady Antebellum and Miranda Lambert are up for the night's big award, Video of the Year. Other nominees in the category include Jason Aldean, Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts, Zac Brown Band and The Band Perry.
Fans can vote for the winners on the CMT website. The show takes place June 8 in the home of country music: Nashville, Tennessee.
vote here GUYS :)
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u can sign up first or just connect w/ur facebook account :D
For those of you with more than three tattoos of the same band, we salute (and are afraid of) you.
Any person can call themselves a fan of a band. It takes a slightly special - and slightly disturbed - person to call themselves a super fan. Some artists have huge followings of loyal super fans…but who has the best fan army?
24 Hours more to vote
click image below to vote :)
Justin Bieber, Amy Poehler Breakout Stars At Time 100 Gala
Although names like Bruno Mars and Oprah Winfrey made the final cut on this year's Time 100 list of the world's most-influential people, among the celebs MTV News spoke to at the ritzy black-tie gala in New York on Tuesday night, all the talk was about Justin Bieber and "Parks and Recreation" funny lady Amy Poehler.
La La Vazquez, with hubby Carmelo Anthony, by her side, said, "Justin Bieber actually loves 'Melo. They're still waiting to have a one-on-one basketball competition so maybe we can make that happen this summer." She continued, "I think it's an honor to be included in such an elite group and be invited to come celebrate. When I heard we got invited, I was like, 'Oh yes, we are going to this event tonight.' "
The Roots' drummer, Questlove, said he totally understands why the Biebs made the list. "I'm excited to see everybody tonight," he said. "I'm very humble to be here. It's too many to mention. I drummed with Bieber before. I think that there might have been a question to why he was included, but it's obvious this is a person that went from YouTube sensation to viral sensation to international superstar — that's gonna be the next level of celebrity."
Leave it to Poehler's "Parks and Rec" co-star Aziz Ansari to write in his own candidate. Asked whether he prefers Bieber or South Korean pop star turned actor Rain, who also made the list, Ansari joked, "I don't know who either of those people are." Adding, "The most influential person to me is probably Waka Flocka Flame. He's on the list, right? I'm pretty sure he was on there."
All jokes aside, Ansari had only love for Poehler. calling her a "very inspirational person; tremendously talented and really a leader in her field."
Poehler's former "Saturday Night Live" co-star Seth Meyers also had tons of love for her. "For me personally, Amy Poehler's the most influential on the list," he said. "I certainly wouldn't be invited to this without Amy Poehler, so that's a big step. Mostly just like providing coattails for me to ride on for years," he joked. "That's pretty key; that influenced me a lot."
About Bieber, Meyers later added: "I quote him a lot. I say 'Baby, baby, baby' a lot more than I used to. I work in a maternity ward in my off-time."
Mark Wahlberg, Justin Bieber To Make Film
The Oscar-nominee, who most recently produced and starred in "The Fighter," told New York Magazine that he's in the process of putting together a movie with teen pop sensation Justin Bieber.
"We’re putting it together. Yeah, we’re doing it at Paramount," Wahlberg said. "We pitched them the idea, and we talked to him about doing it and he loved the idea. Been sending me video — he sent me a video of himself and yeah, I think he’s really talented."
While he didn't confirm that he would star -- Wahlberg has produced a number of projects without a starring role -- he did say that neither he or Bieber would sing. Injecting himself in there seems to hint that he'll co-star in what he describes as a story about "a reluctant mentor in an inner-city environment."
Bieber has some acting experience; he guest starred in two episodes of "CSI" over the winter, and of course starred in the hit concert/road documentary "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never," though there was no real acting involved in that one.
Wahlberg is now working on "Ted," a comedy with Mila Kunis, and is working on putting together a sequel to "The Fighter."
One Direction's Harry Styles Plans Justin Bieber Fight
In a jokey interview with the Daily Record, Harry and his One Direction bandmates said that they would wrestle Bieber next time they meet him. Presumably the winner is crowned King of the Screaming Girls.
"We could get some sumo suits. And have a wrestling thing." joked Harry.
Speaking to the paper about their debut album, One D said that they hope their music will shock a few people.
"People might think we're going to bring out a certain type of record. But at the moment, we're just trying to surprise people."
One Direction are due to release their first single this Summer.
Britney Spears no compone una , sino 3 canciones para Selena Gómez

“La canción es como una droga, es adictiva!” Es fácil , rápida muy sexy y provocativa” añadió Kevin.
El nuevo álbum de Selena Gómez saldrá a la venta el 28 de Junio
Demi Lovato no alcanza a Selena Gomez pese a superar 3 millones de seguidores en Twitter

Precisamente, esa fidelidad se ve recompensada en la cuenta de Twitter de Demi Lovato, quien ahora celebra haber sobrepasado los 3 millones de seguidores en la mencionada red social.
'¡Wow! ¡Casi 3 millones de followers! ¡Los quiero mucho chicos!', manifestó Demi Lovato. Cabe mencionar, sin embargo, que ella aún está lejos de alcanzar en seguidores a su colega de Disney Channel, Selena Gomez, quien cuenta con más de 5 millones de seguidores en Twitter.
Selasa, 26 April 2011
An apprentice v the master - Justin Bieber and Bob Dylan
ONE is lionised as the songwriter of his generation while the other faces the challenge of keeping a generation of fans after they grow up.
Both the master Bob Dylan and the apprentice Justin Bieber will inspire fanatic devotion among their many admirers when they perform in Sydney this week.
Fresh from his acclaimed sets at the annual Bluesfest in Byron Bay, Dylan performs two concerts at the Sydney Entertainment Centre from tonight while Bieber will stage a two-night stand at Acer Arena from tomorrow.
While Dylan's Baby Boomer fans may express their adulation with vigorous cheering and applause, you can count on your ears ringing from the piercing screams that will greet Bieber's every move.
Bieber fever shocked Sydney a year ago when thousands of hysterical tweens and teens unexpectedly arrived at the Overseas Passenger Terminal for a television appearance and later caused mayhem at Sunrise's Martin Place studios where police cancelled a show for safety reasons.
Since then, armed with a debut record My World 2.0 Bieber has become as much a social media star as he has a chart-topper - his fans have downloaded more than 24 million singles and his YouTube videos have been viewed at least 1.5 billion times.
Like Lady Gaga, he is rewriting the pop rule book and knows a few daily Twitter or Facebook updates have more power to keep the fan fires burning than radio playing his breakthrough hit Baby three times a day.
"AUSTRALIA ... we are coming ... and there might be some surprises," he posted at the weekend with a link to his song Next 2 You featuring Chris Brown, also touring Australia.
Some fans have even coerced their parents into spruiking for hotel rooms to get closer to Bieber as well as for tickets which range from $95 to $285 for the Bieber Fever Ultimate VIP package.
Dylan fans also paid $95 for their Sydney Entertainment Centre cheap seats, with the front rows costing just $175 to see a living legend perform classics including Like A Rolling Stone, A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall and Tangled Up In Blue.
Of course their extras for the evening will include dinner and drinks. The Beliebers will buy T-shirts, iPod skins, dog tags, towels, bracelets, tracksuit pants and a teddy bear.
Official Justin Bieber Singing
We thought we’d seen it all — Justin Bieber dolls, trading cards, calendars — but we never thought we’d see the day when JB’s likeness would appear on a toothbrush. Never say never, because with their new line of singing Bieber toothbrushes Brush Buddies has made it their mission to turn you into a Belieber — about the importance of oral hygiene. So throw out that lame toothbrush you got at the dentist’s office and head below to learn more about a tooth care product with the ability to remove plaque while playing a hit from the Canadian pop star.
The toothbrush line will officially launch on July 1st (once known as Canada Day, but should now just be referred to as Bieber Day).
From the Brush Buddies official website, here’s all you need to know about the singing toothbrushes:
- Soft rubber coating to give you a comfortable brushing experience
- Replaceable brush head, dentists recommend you replace your brush head every 3 months.
- 2 buttons – 1 button when you wake up in the morning and one before you goto bed. Each button will play a Justin Bieber’s song for 2 minutes which is the dentist recommend time to brush your teeth. Now you can enjoy brushing your teeth while you listen to Justin’s best songs [one alternates between “U Smile” and “Baby” while the other switches between “Love Me” and “Somebody To Love”
And for the full Bieber oral care experience, be sure to pick up 55 yards of mint waxed Bieber floss.
Or why not pick up the handy JB Travel Kit (perfect for when you’re on tour) which comes with tongue scraper, brush, floss and a mini hourglass timer.
Which JB brush will we be purchasing? The Adult JB brush, of course (it comes with all the Bieber flare, but, sadly, none of the Bieber tunes).
Justin Bieber and Chris Brown in Australia?
The teen idol Justin Bieber, sent a tweet that meant he could be touring with R & B star.
Justin said:
"AUSTRALIA ... we are coming ... and may have some surprises' and attached a video of the singer"
This new duet between Justin Bieber and Chris Brown, could help the R & B star, who has been besieged and criticized after giving him a beating to his former girlfriend Rihanna.
Demi Lovato y Selena Gomez, mejor que nunca

En esos tiempos fueron considerados como las mejores amigas. Hace cosa de un par de años, los medios de comunicacion se apresuraron a inventar rumores que sugieren que hubo un “enfrentamiento”. Tal enfrentamiento nunca existió.
Demi reveló recientemente a la revista People que las cosas nunca fueron tan malas. Las dos están ahora volviendo a conectar otra vez: “Selena y yo vuelvo os a conectar la primera semana. No habíamos hablado en mucho tiempo. Me siento como si hubiera sido por la forma en que había estado actuando.
Ella me llamó y todo quedo solucionado. “Demi reveló durante su entrevista en ABC el viernes que ha estado sufriendo de una serie de dolencias, incluyendo un trastorno bipolar. Ahora, Demi está tratando de utilizar sus problemas para inspirar a otras jóvenes con problemas parecidos a los suyos.
The Top Brands on Facebook: Justin Bieber Rules, but The Beatles Are 2nd to SpongeBob
It is perhaps not a surprise that Justin Bieber fans are the most “active” on Facebook, according to a ranking of brands by Fangager, a social media marketing consultancy. But the list does contain some delightful surprises for marketers trying to figure out how to use Facebook in their advertising plans. It also underlines how difficult it is to engage customers in a “relationship” with a brand that goes beyond a mere purchase.
Entertainment brands such as Zynga’s Texas Hold’em Poker, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry dominate, holding eight of the top 10 slots. The other two went to Manchester United and F.C. Barcelona. Here’s the top 20 (click to enlarge), you can see the full list here:
The ranking measures “active fans” by posts, comment and likes, so although Lady Gaga has more Facebook fans than Bieber, Bieber’s fans post more stuff on his wall. Britney Spears has surprisingly few fans — just 9.5 million compared to Katy Perry’s 22.5 million — but her fans are more rabid (on Facebook, at least) than those of Barcelona.
The top non-entertainment brand in the list is PlayStation, at No. 20, followed by Victoria’s Secret at No. 25 and Monster Energy at No. 26.
That’s an indicator of how hard it is for a non-human brand to gain traction in social media. It sounds obvious once you’ve looked at the ranking, but it isn’t obvious to advertisers who are searching for ways to use social media to make customers more brand loyal and cement sales. (The Pepsi v. Coke Facebook war is a great example of tough it can be to engage your own customers even in a market where loyalists despise the competing brand.)
The ranking also contains some wonderfully dippy juxtapositions: Why, for instance, are Skittles fans busier on Facebook than Usher fans? Is Mr. Bean really more interesting than Shakira, especially as there hasn’t been a new episode of Mr. Bean since 1995? Is it a sign of the Decline of Western Civilization that SpongeBob SquarePants is more popular than The Beatles? (No word from Jesus Christ at this point.)
Examine the list too long and you end up inside a self-referential meta-rabbit hole of social media meaninglessness. Who knew that Facebook had a Facebook page, and that 39 million people “like” it? (And given that Facebook has 600 million users, shouldn’t a few more of them actually like the service?)
Más fotos de Selena Gomez y Justin Bieber en Indonesia
'Essex' Joey Essex: 'I'm like Justin Bieber'

The Only Way Is Essex star has explained that he and the 17-year-old popstar have "the same look".
Essex told Now: "I think me and Justin have the same dress sense.
"Even though I'm older than him, I think we have the same look."
The 20-year-old, who admitted that he spends 50 minutes getting ready, also revealed that he modelled himself on Zac Efron when he was younger.
He added: "When I was about 15 I went for Zac Efron's haircut. I've been trying for years to get the haircut I wanted."
Essex allegedly got a very positive reaction from female fans at a recent club appearance at Liverpool's Newz Bar.
A source said: "It was crazy how much female attention he got. Even knickers were flung at him."
However, other stars of the show were reportedly booed off stage in Cardiff.
Justin Bieber Arrives In Australia
The word on the street is out -- Justin Bieber is in Australia, and his fans are desperate to find him.
Separate groups of girls are staking out two Queensland hotels where the teen star is rumoured to be staying. One group believes he is staying at Stamford Plaza in Brisbane, while another group are adamant that he is at the Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast, a favourite celeb hideout.
So far Justin hasn't been spotted out and about -- which means maybe he is staying somewhere completely different.
While he has been pretty active on Twitter as usual, he hasn't commented on where he is or what he is doing. So far the only thing he has posted which might refer to his Australian trip is "great day".
We can however expect a duet with Chris Brown during at least one of his concerts. Both stars are currently touring the country, and Justin tweeted, "AUSTRALIA...we are coming...and there might be some surprises. LEGGO!! #myworldtour" and included a link to his collaboration with Chris 'Next 2 You'.
The other thing we are desperate to find out is whether or not Selena Gomez has come along for the ride. She was in Malaysia with Justin, but so far has not been spotted in Australia.
Separate groups of girls are staking out two Queensland hotels where the teen star is rumoured to be staying. One group believes he is staying at Stamford Plaza in Brisbane, while another group are adamant that he is at the Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast, a favourite celeb hideout.
So far Justin hasn't been spotted out and about -- which means maybe he is staying somewhere completely different.
While he has been pretty active on Twitter as usual, he hasn't commented on where he is or what he is doing. So far the only thing he has posted which might refer to his Australian trip is "great day".
We can however expect a duet with Chris Brown during at least one of his concerts. Both stars are currently touring the country, and Justin tweeted, "AUSTRALIA...we are coming...and there might be some surprises. LEGGO!! #myworldtour" and included a link to his collaboration with Chris 'Next 2 You'.
The other thing we are desperate to find out is whether or not Selena Gomez has come along for the ride. She was in Malaysia with Justin, but so far has not been spotted in Australia.
Senin, 25 April 2011
Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga Top Rated
The Pop Diva has won the title "Star Chance"with a 26'65%, while Justin has got a 25'46%.
For a minimal difference of 47 votes, readers have named Lady Gaga as' Star CHANCE universe. "JustinBieber, however, has remained at the door and with a whopping 1004 votes, she got a deserved second place.
Another artist of music and pop princess Britney Spears has also had broad support from his followers, and complete the podium getting the support of 705 readers (17'88%).
Whether as Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus, the singer has received 545 votes, and has obtained a 13'82%.
The world's most famous vampire, Robert Pattinson, has captivated the 8'62% (340 votes) of the readers who wanted to vote for him to succeed in being the "Star Chance. "
The last place, but not less support is for the People's Princess, Belén Esteban, who managed 299 votes.
This survey has been very tight until the last moment, and readers have shown that when it comes to giving support to their stars, are the first to be there.
Source: survey chance
![]() |
Lady Gaga Justin Bieber |
For a minimal difference of 47 votes, readers have named Lady Gaga as' Star CHANCE universe. "JustinBieber, however, has remained at the door and with a whopping 1004 votes, she got a deserved second place.
Another artist of music and pop princess Britney Spears has also had broad support from his followers, and complete the podium getting the support of 705 readers (17'88%).
Whether as Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus, the singer has received 545 votes, and has obtained a 13'82%.
The world's most famous vampire, Robert Pattinson, has captivated the 8'62% (340 votes) of the readers who wanted to vote for him to succeed in being the "Star Chance. "
The last place, but not less support is for the People's Princess, Belén Esteban, who managed 299 votes.
This survey has been very tight until the last moment, and readers have shown that when it comes to giving support to their stars, are the first to be there.
Source: survey chance
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